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King T-shirts
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Men's Round Neck T-shirt GOLD

Men's Round Neck T-shirt GOLD

Made with a 23/1 YARN, a CHIFFON FABRIC, and a COMPOSITION of 100% COTTON. This garment has a TORQUE of 5% and a SHRINK of 5 X 5. This shirt has a weight of 160 GRS.

PLATINUM Men's Round Neck T-Shirt

PLATINUM Men's Round Neck T-Shirt

Made with a 50/50 percent cotton/polyester blend, 22/1 yarn density, 160 gram weight chiffon fabric with a 2.3 percent torque, and 5 x 5 shrinkage.

Men's Round Neck T-shirt 1x1 PLATINUM

Men's Round Neck T-shirt 1x1 PLATINUM

Composition of 50/50% cotton/polyester. 22/1 yarn and chiffon fabric. Weight of 160 grams per square meter, with torque resistance of 2.3% and shrink resistance of 5 x 5.

Men's V-Neck T-Shirt GOLD

Men's V-Neck T-Shirt GOLD

Made of 100% cotton yarn fabrics, with a chiffon fabric and a weight of 160 g. This garment has a torque of 5%, and a shrinkage of 5 x 5%.

Long Sleeve Round Neck T-shirt GOLD

Long Sleeve Round Neck T-shirt GOLD

Made of 100% cotton, with 23/1 thread and Chiffon fabric, weighing 160 grams. This high-torque, shrink-resistant fabric offers optimal comfort.

DRY TECH Round Neck T-shirt

DRY TECH Round Neck T-shirt

Created from 100% of the best polyester. This DRY TECH fabric weighs 145 grams, without compromising quality or fit. The shrinkage is perfect.

King T-shirts

6 of 10 products